Dream about future

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Dream about future
Post # 1
Dream about future

I dreamed I was fighting a lot of demons it wasn't just me alone it was also like me and a group of people abbout 4 of us and I was fighting this monster who was in front of this door when I finnally killed him I got my key o_o and opened the door when I opened the door everywhere was filled with a white peacefull blinding light that spreaded all around the earth

Anyone know anyfhing about this dream?
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Re: Dream about future
Post # 2
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Re: Dream about future
Post # 3
you and people will face a challange and beat it, and have peace thanks to it, or maybe you and the others are the chosen ones for the "war"
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Re: Dream about future
Post # 4
it could be and they all resine in North Amrica
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Re: Dream about future
Post # 5
anything's possible
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Re: Dream about future
Post # 6
no I got this from SilverRain he said in theas words

"Earlier tonight/this morning I was meditating my spirit guide came to me, and he showed me visions of horrible disasters, famine, global warming, death, destruction, sickness/disease, economic claps. After he showed me these images he told me this.

“There will be a time in which five children of the ones above will band together and save life as we know it. In this time the earth will be dying rapidly. Each child will possess a different element, they are the elements of the universe, their the chosen ones. People under them will scorn them and mock then, they shall remain strong. Some say the five will not realize that they are the ones before it’s too late. Those who want to live longer than expected will have to find the five. To my knowledge, there all on the North America. Time is running out, let our people know, let them know what is ahead: Death and Destruction. I have shown you the images now do your part and warn the people of earth and humanity. Forever, Blessed Be. “

Then he left. I was too speechless to even speak, much less think. I have no clue if he actually means five people or some huge change. What do you all take of it? What do you all think it means? My spirit guide is a Hindu God, if that changes anything, I don’t know what to even think right now… Blessed Be all "
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Re: Dream about future
Post # 7
What are the elemts of the universe does energy count as a element?
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Re: Dream about future
Post # 8
the 5 elements are Water,Earth,Fire,Air,Lightning
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Re: Dream about future
Post # 9
ok, so we MIGHT have found one or two, but how can we tell?
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Re: Dream about future
Post # 10
WastedEnergy the five elements are Earth, Air, Water, Fire and Spirit (either). Not lightning.
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