Fun Visual Illusions...

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Fun Visual Illusions...
Post # 1
The results of these kind of moving pictures are really something... an example is

What is happening:
This effect is a visual illusion that is designed to over stimulate the visual peception cortex. The human brain attempts to compensate for the continuous movement but fails to stabilize the moving image, when you look away your over stimulated visual cortex is so confused it will continue to attempt to compensate for the previous movements.

Pretty awesome :). Just wish it could last a bit longer.

P.s. optical illusions have been known to trigger epileptic episodes.

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Re: Fun Visual Illusions...
Post # 2
Pretty... pretty... My eyes friggin hurt!! hehe ;)
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Re: Fun Visual Illusions...
Post # 3
Just trying to spread the love, honey... hehe :D
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Re: Fun Visual Illusions...
Post # 4
lol, verity, you want longer? its called majick mushrooms or ayakasha
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Re: Fun Visual Illusions...
Post # 5
Yeah B, great idea :) It's just a bit hard for someone like me to get my hands on them... no one ever takes me seriously... *grumbles* lol ;)
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Re: Fun Visual Illusions...
Post # 6
Verity, you are here in SA same as me, hehe, drop me a message, i'll send some special spores, after the next hard rain go into your garden, on your lawn look for the following -

perfectly legal, perfectly safe, 3-4 is a good starting point, enjoy, and when you find then say a little thanks to a friend called Mescalito ;)
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Re: Fun Visual Illusions...
Post # 7
Could you send a few spores this way Kao my friend,lol
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Re: Fun Visual Illusions...
Post # 8
of course my friend, never a problem, tell me when spring has begun by you, you just need the right humidity and temp to grow them, but once it happens you have your own little slice of heaven ;)
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Re: Fun Visual Illusions...
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 9
This thread has been moved to Advertisements from Welcome.
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