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Post # 1
Wicca alot and vary interisted in it but how do you "Cast" a spell? I beleve in Magick but i don't know how to do it or even know if it works.

Are there any spells that show instance results?

Thanks for you help
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Re: Spells
Post # 2
One spell that really worked for me was getting someone to call you of course it could take hours or days if you cast it right.. I have always have had success with it....Now I'm not sure really if I remember the whole spell you might want to look it up.... First you need someone who you REALLY want to call you I find it works best with a friend family member or boyfriend/girlfriend....Try someone that doesn't call that often

Then you need fine writing paper
a pen
a needle

focus on the person( i find if I'm casting a spell on or about someone it works to have a picture in front of you so you can picture them better) and write their name first in an arch and then write their name again so both arches meet in a circle....The whole time you are thinkin about them calling you
Then stick the needle through the center of the paper and focus on thats persons face (keep thinking about them calling you throughout the whole thing)
You might want to hold it and think about it after you are done to make it stronger but afterwards put it by the phone...and depending how well the spell is cast they might call you within 5 minutes, 5 hours, max 5 days.....

Good luck hope that helped
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Re: Spells
Post # 3
Thanks for you help =) but one question become more exprenced?

Do you have to do a hole bunch of spells and get them right?
anyway thanks for you help
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