Teach Yourself Tarot-9

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Teach Yourself Tarot-9
Post # 1
Check out the page on using Spreads.

Excercise 1: Practice a new spread every day for a week until you are comfortable with it and can remember the positions. If you do a web search for "tarot spreads", you will find thousands of pages. Check out a few. What kinds of spreads are you most interested in doing (romance/career/past life, etc)? Which type of layouts work best for you? How many cards do you like to use?

Copy any spread you come across that you like into your journal. Make note of who the author is, because you may want to check out other spreads (or tarot books) by that person.

Exercise 2: Try doing a free-form reading a day for a week. Simply pull as many cards as you want and begin reading. Add more cards as needed. You know it is time to stop when the cards either begin to repeat themselves or no longer seem to make sense with the rest of the reading. This type of reading is all about the cards and what they are saying. There are no position definitons to take into consideration.

Which way works best for you? Do you prefer the more structured way of the spreads or do you prefer to let the cards dictate where you go?


We've now reached the end of our Intro to Tarot Reading class. I hope that you have developed a good relationship with your cards and are able to do readings with confidence!

I also hope you enjoyed this class. If you have any comments on it, please email me. We are always looking for ways to improve it!

If you are interested in exploring the cards in more depth, check out the rest of our Tarot section.

Happy readings!
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Re: Teach Yourself Tarot-9
Post # 2
kl where did u find all this?
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Re: Teach Yourself Tarot-
Post # 3
umm lol
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