Problems at home

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Problems at home
Post # 1
I now this sounds like a stuid thing to be puting on a wiccan wesite but obviously from the title of this thread, I am having "problems" at home.I live with my dad and my brother and my dad is really lazy and makes me and my brother do everythig, but now my broher(who is 21 and goes and partys every friday and saturday night)doesn't do anyhing, and i'm stuck with all of the the stress of middle school(like grades friends,nd guys) it has become way to much.My dad is really stressed out latly and now so is my brother and I feel like i'm walking on eggshells every time i am around them.It is all making me stressed and depressed, towards the point of having thoughts of suicide.I having really done anything because I don't want to die realy, jus sort of dissappear.My mom lives in a diferent state, and whenever i am there she makes things akward and shes annoying.I don't know what to do anymore and feel like im being pushed into a wall and have nowhere to go.I need advice or maybe a spell to release this stress.Please reply to this post or message me.I am becoming desperate and need urgent help or i might be pushed to do something that I just don't want to do.
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Re: Problems at home
Post # 2
Ok hun, first...take a DEEP breath. I can understand that it's rough, really I can. But NEVER the answer. You have a whole lot a head of you and I promise you, you do not want to miss out on any of it.

First things first, have you expressed any of this to you dad? Talking is alway the first step.

If you have, and it hasn't worked, I suggest finding someone in your school you can talk to. Teacher, counciler, school psychologist. Anyone who you can vent to, because sometimes, it makes such a difference to vent.

I do have a few techniques to help clear your mind and your negative energy. Message me if you want a little help =)
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Re: Problems at home
Post # 3
music is a good medicine

grounding the negative energy you get from them works too

yes middle school sucked ash for me

try dressing well and looking pretty/beutiful/handsome/hot? all the time
It truely will make you feel better about your self

practice and gain some charming skills to bend them to your will

yes I know some of this sounds quite odd but It will work

plus do not turn all emo and stuff, stay strong and keep up your inner flame
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Re: Problems at home
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 4
healer is right huni suicide is never the answer, we still have to deal with our issues on the other side before we can move on talk to ur brother and tell him how u feel , he will understand as hes had the same pressure
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Re: Problems at home
Post # 5
find a purpose that you like to keep you occupied.

for example if you get a job that you like, not only will you be occupied but you will not have to be at home in servitude of your father, plus he should be proud of you and you will get paid.
something like this will surely end those thoughts. I should know
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Re: Problems at home
Post # 6
I have to say that I agree with what everyone else is saying, suicide is definitely not the answer, and it's a permanent solution to what is a temporary problem.
Just think how your friends and family would feel if you did go ahead with it?
Who would clean up the mess afterwards? Your brother, your dad?
What if whatever method you decided to use didn't work properly?
And you became paralyzed say if you jumped off a building?
These are all the things you have to consider.
Everyone goes through rough patches in their life, I myself have been through some very dark times lately and I've pulled through them fine, but just hang in there.
Things will get better in time, even if it doesn't seem it right now, that I can promise.
There are people on here willing to help, just look at all of these responses, for example.
Besides, it's a very selfish thing to do.
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Re: Problems at home
Post # 7
thanks everyoe btw i dont want to commit suicide jut get away theres this guy i rally like at school and i reallly wanna talk to him and i hope i can get corage for it f we start datying he willprobably b there tohelp me out but i just wanna disappear sometimes but i cant
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