thinkign of

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thinkign of
Post # 1
i know this sounds wrong and greedy but i was thinking off making my own witchraft spell site like i don't sue the moeny anything esle but all the things i need such as candels oils and things like that? i'm only 14 though T_T still if i get everything and have the right state of mind it's oaky isn't it?
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Re: thinkign of
Post # 2
As long as its any illegal act or any selfish act. I would recommend you get all the candles and oils etc. yourself (if that wasn't your aim in the first place) and use what you discover for the good of aspiring people who have difficulty.
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Re: thinkign of
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 3
wait you want a website where people pay to join?
why not get a little job such as a baby sitting or doing chores because candles and oils aren't that much if you know where to get them for example people on the internet always overprice things by making it sound cheap but then you have to pay for S&H so the best place to buy all those things is too go to a spirtual store where candles go for 10 cents and oil are $2.00
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Re: thinkign of
Post # 4
I get my candles from the dollar store. You can buy some oils there too and bless them if that's how you do it.

If you want a cheap way to gather "ingredients" let me know what you're looking for. I'm the queen of bargin shopping lol
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Re: thinkign of
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 5
another cheaper way is buying the things and making them yourself that way you can make as many as you like but a dollar store is also a good idea.
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