Hi (questions inside =P)

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Hi (questions inside =P)
Post # 1
hello everyone,

just thought of introducing myself, my name is Filipe im 18, im from Portugal (so sorry for the bad english) and all this is very very new to me... i always had an interest for all of this subjects and yesterday i decided to give it a shot and try to get some information about magic and what is true and what isnt and i came up with this site.

I started to read through some sites and i only got more and more confused. In my mind magic was possible for humans but only in small things that was done by using your energy to affect things around you and even yourself, but then i started reading this forums and saw things like teleportation and invisibilty...

Could you give me a hand understanding what is possible and what isnt, what is true and what is just make believe? i believe in some things that are written here but i sure could use someone to "draw the line" and tell me what is all this exactly

thank you in advance

ps: also i would like to know what's my element or how i can see it myself. i was born january 30 1990
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Re: Hi (questions inside =P)
Post # 2
whats your zodiac sign friend
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Re: Hi (questions inside
Post # 3
born in january so aquarius =P
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Re: Hi (questions inside =P)
Post # 4
well never mind then, mashira has that covered i suggest you find out your spirit animal next
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Re: Hi (questions inside
Post # 5
thanks iv been researching about that.
im really just starting to know anything about magic and im having some difficulty finding out what to do or how to do it.. it would be really cool to meet someone who would be avaible to teach me some elementary thing via msn or something like that... where can i ask for that?
i have started reading some "Way of the Star"'s public articles but have some doubts...
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