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Post # 1
Hey all, I'm new to this whole thing. this site, spell casting, witchcraft, the craft; whatever you want to call it. i'm looking for somewhere to land while i learn some things, let me know if you think i'd be a good fit. anyone that wants my story can ask it (aside from personally identifying information, obviously).
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Re: sup?
Post # 2
I have done some research into magic. Enough to know that it actually exists and can be used. I've also heard some theories as to how it works. What I haven't done very much of is put it to work. The reason for this is that I come from a VERY conservative christian background in which magic in all its forms is considered evil.
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Re: sup?
Post # 3
poor thing..why must all religions said those things...when their ancestors used that....and yea...magic does exist,its been centuries for it and you really need to join covens to know more of magic....the more you train with magic the more powerful..
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Re: sup?
Post # 4
i agree with orangespice on the matter
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Re: sup?
Post # 5
Welcome, Onan! :-)
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Re: sup?
Post # 6
Electricity is a property of certain subatomic particles, which gives rise to and interacts with, the electromagnetic force, one of the four fundamental forces of nature. Electricity originates in the atom, in which its most familiar carriers are the electron and proton. It is a conserved quantity, that is, the net charge within an isolated system will always remain constant regardless of any changes taking place within that system. Within the system, charge may be transferred between bodies, either by direct contact, or by passing along a conducting material, such as a wire. The informal term static electricity refers to the net presence (or 'imbalance') of charge on a body, usually caused when dissimilar materials are rubbed together, transferring charge from one to the other.

In case you are still wondering...
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Re: sup?
Post # 7
actually, i did question how electricity works at one point. but then i found an answer and stopped. i question just about everything tho. thanks for the welcomes everyone.
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Re: sup?
Post # 8
well i think it is healthy for everyone to question everything...
blindly following something not even thinking why or if its something real...

btw, electrity is simply "moving" electron from one athom which has "extra" electrons" to an athom which has less... this interaction is called valence... the light you see on lightbulbs is just created by a number of electrons passing through the fillament at a determined speed. since the fillament is too thin and cant pass all of the electrons at once it has to make them "wait" and this causes them to free energy in other form: light and heat. This changes with the number of electrons and speed they are passing through

tryed to explain it the simpler i could =P lool

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