please read

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please read
Post # 1
I want to know if there is any weak psychic spell I can use to predict my present situation and I don’t want to use powerful spell. And I want to know if I use job spell and wealth spell on a full moon in how many days will I see results and I know magic takes time but I just want to know. And job spell should I use it before the full moon or on a full moon.

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Re: please read
Post # 2
the time it takes for a spell to work depends on the power YOU put into it. i don't believe in any lesser or greater spell, its all about the energy and your concentration. and if your trying to predict, have you tried simply scrying? (black mirror, pendulum, gazing ball), and for casting a spell.. i was raised in the old ways, and always taught that it doesn't matter what the moon is doing, what supplies you have or don't have..if you pray from your heart and you truly want something, with a bit of magic, you'll get it.
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