hi i'm nod

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hi i'm nod
Post # 1
I always though I special, ever since I read harry potter and the philosipher stone. I think the book is about me, I had dream once ,
that ppl who say are parents now are rly uncle aunt, and my parents died try to save me from eveil sorcer 15 year ago, and i was left on their dorstep and they tok me in. all i remember also is the green flash, i still crya t night because of it.

I can cast magic if i tense my head up really hard.. like if i conctrate relly hard on someone i dont like on them getitng hurt or something, like a bully that bullied me in school for being a goth ended up dead the next week. i am not an evil wizard so i regretted it after, but i cant tell anyone or the police will take me in. i tried out at zoo on the snake like in the book, and i swear i heard the snake talkng really quitely. i can under stand snakes like harry but i think really quite, like inside my own head, if you now what i mean . also i read ppls minds, i do telepathy. i have levels of telephathy, i learnt this in the dream. i can only braek the level 1 telepatghy barrier, which is reading unimporatant, passing thoughts and stuff, not deep secrets etc, if there is someone in this forum that could take me under theri wing who does telepathy i would relly appreciate it if you could take me up to level 3++++

thansk for reading guys, i hope you welcome me hear, peac out.

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Re: hi i
Post # 2
well.,when you are casting spells...you have to concentrate on what you are doing,,you dont have to think like on harry potter,,,it's just a movie,,,,and i wish,,there would be,,,in the real world...that's it...you just have to relax,,,and concentrate on whay you are doing...ok?
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Re: hi i
Post # 3
ok..now i know he`s been stress all this long...
and how do you know its a level 1 barrier and what is3++++?
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Re: hi i
Post # 4
yes sry guys on the chatroom i was in alcohol + hary poter fueled rage.

by telepahty level that is how i think of the telephaty fields and such, i ned to get up to level 3 for beta mind reading capacaites
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Re: hi i
Post # 5
Magick. True magick, is nothing like harry potter. We can cast spells with or without wands, in English and other languages. Everyone can do magick if one truly believes. Not by some select few. Besides, your dream could have been your subconscious trying to process the story.

Every one is different, some just feel that way, more often than others. If you are concentrating really hard to do magick, then maybe you should let it come to you instead of having to force it. I healed some one with a really bad sickness but that was because I let it come to me instead of forcing it.

So remember: Clarity of thought dictates clarity of action.

Relax and let it happen and don't base it on harry potter stuff.

Its a good story, but its FICTIONAL!
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