water control?

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water control?
Post # 1
i feel really connected to water its just feels good for me
its like i can stay in the water for hours
so i wandered if there is some water spell that WORKED for u?
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Re: water control?
Post # 2
Spells can't work for water control. Only a high level of Quabalism can do it but that takes alot longer to do than hydrokinesis. www.wingmakers.co.nz teahces it.
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Re: water control?
Post # 3
you mean the kabala of the Jews?
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Re: water control?
Post # 4
spellings of quabbala/kabalah etc (there are many) depends on which "phase" you are looking into.
spelled with a Q is the ancient teechings from before the jewish religion, with a K is after judaism was formed.
there are lots of things to do with water. what did you have in mind?
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Re: water control?
Post # 5
I mean the Q type. Apparantly they could bend the elements with high quabalastic magick. Some even say that Moses separated the red sea with quabalistic sorcery.
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Re: water control?
Post # 6
i mean the q

can someone teach it?
or there is a book about it

or some tips ,somthing?

it should be easier for me to deal with water magick because im water element
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