To make your own spells..

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To make your own spells..
Post # 1
To make your spell it more asier that you can think.
if your been a magic user for a long time then u will not have any problems but if u a just a begineer then u must three important thing in u:
2.a full moon(all magic is powerful at a full moon)
3. your aim
If u have all of these items it would be easier.U can alway make a spell of ur own with poems. For e.g
litle by little 'bit by bit
make me as a tall
as a zirafh.

this spell is a example so if this spell is fated to came true.
other than that if u have fate it will happen

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Re: To make your own spells..
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
Sure as you can't steer a train, you can't change your fate.

Fate and faith are to different things. You must have faith in yourself and in magic for a spell to come to pass. Without it your efforts are folly.
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Re: To make your own spells..
Post # 3
What is a zirafh?

Writing your spells is an easy task to do..but I think your instructions are a tad off.

It's more than just hope. It's complete faith in yourself and ( if you choose ) whoever or whatever you are asking assistance from.

A full moon is not necessary. Yes, many people use the moon phases for spells, but it's more than just " oh look, full moon. I can do all my spells". The full moon is more used to gather energy to increase the effectivness. However, not everyone can do this or needs to do this.

Aim's focusing your energy to a specific task.

A spell ,in my opinion, is focusing your energy to complete a task. You may use tools such as candles, a wand, herbs, a doll, words. But in the's your energy and the energy you gather that is what is truely the magick
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Re: To make your own spells..
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4
well said Healer. You don't just use the full moon. All the moon phases have a purpose and use those accordingly. Some people don't use the moon at all. It's up to the person casting the spell.
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