
Forums ► General Info ► Flood
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Post # 1
I had a dream recently, of a land consumed by waters. It seemed to be a steady rise of water, not a great rush, because boats were still intact. I saw a multitude of flags, still on their poles. The one that stood out the most was the Union Jack, the English flag. Although I'm not sure, because out flag has the Union Jack on it too. Its now raining very heavily, and has done for a few days.
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Re: Flood
Post # 2
australian right?

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Re: Flood
Post # 3
Yeh. I'm not sure whether this will affect us, or the English.
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Re: Flood
Post # 4
My dream was sort of correct. Ine Western Australia, we've had a cyclone, and in Queensland, there has been major flooding. Although they are both on two differnt sides of the country, I'll count this as accurate.
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Re: Flood
Post # 5
Do you think if Australia is flooded then the rest of Indonesia will as well (not to be pessimistic).
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Re: Flood
Post # 6
Dude, Australia is NOT part of Indonesia.
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