Women Only Coven Open

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Women Only Coven Open
Post # 1

Merry Meet and Blessings to all.

"The Daughters Of the Goddess" coven is now open for applications.

We are a coven for women and all their problems and blessings. We aim to help women along their pathway and will discuss issues directly related to women.

We will have regular talks on sabbats, pagan parenting, recipes plus articles on magick, astrology, ritual, traditional and eclectic paths, and web weaving.

There will also be discussions and lessons on such things as alter cleaning, sacred space, purification rituals.

Daily talks about how you are worshiping the Goddess and any problems you may be encountering along your chosen path.

So this coven is one that is directly related to women and will help them on their journey. We are a FAMILY and all decisions will be made by the council and the High Priestess with input by the group. No Decision regarding the coven will be made without talks and debates by the group.

So if you want to join us ladies please send an application with your age - we have no age limit but we do want to know this information - and your experience as a witch. Please also make sure your bio is filled out.

and Blessings.

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Re: Women Only Coven Open
Post # 2
I am there !
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Re: Women Only Coven Open
Post # 3
I wish you the best of luck Rowan!

I know you will make a wonderful priestess and teacher.
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Re: Women Only Coven Open
Post # 4
In the future, when this coven blossums, I'll enjoy loling @ how many guys join for the soul reason that it says women only x3!~
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