tell me this spells help

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tell me this spells help
Post # 1
HI can u tell a me a spell where a person obeys u
but that really works please help and also a spell when u can shape shift
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Re: tell me this spells h
Post # 2
Im guessing any love spell would do the first one but shapeshifting? never seen a spell for that, sorry.
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Re: tell me this spells help
Post # 3
have never came across an actual shapshifting spell either, (Does not mean there is not one). As far as the physical world I have only encountered mind altering spells, which require (legal) herbs that alter the perception of the caster in believing that he/she has shapedshifted.

Warlock Draco
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Re: tell me this spells h
Post # 4
well when i saw this i started to look at all of my magick sites and i found nothing. but i did found something were u can talk to ur cat.

p.s. i have like 7 sites... (i did not made them if ur thinking that way).
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