Hello, I'm new here.

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Hello, I'm new here.
Post # 1
Hello, my real name is not important. But I do want to say hi and look forward to discussing the magical arts with you all. Hopefuly I will pick up on a few things I have not seen yet, and possibly help some of you in the process.

Thanks Baphomet
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Re: Hello,
Post # 2
My name is Steffan and im 16, and Danish, I won't give my full name either,couse you can´t really now if some one would hex you! :)

i´m new here too, I know this may sound very harry potter like, but have you tried this, sittin´forexsample, and a object(the place you are at the time) just moves, and you have observed that object for a moment. It happens to me a lot, I quess its some energy im producin´ and it all ways happens when i´m stressed or irritatet, or just restless. I´ve heard about it, its called unconsius Magic, Have you tried that? maybe its a sign that you have magic in you or something, i really wish so, its pretty cool.

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Re: Hello, I
Post # 3
Hello I am 16 also and I joined the the site in july at some time, but I have not yet tried any spells but your right about not giving your full name, someone proberly could curse you.
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