Tell me please. . .

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Tell me please. . .
Post # 1
Hey guys! I remembered one my visions. Can anyone tell me what that means. Here it is: My vision started to uncover itself one day when I was just lying down and trying to relax. When I closed my eyes, I saw my self. My body had this unknown symbol. On my head there was an X mark and over it was a circle. This symbol seemed to be tattooed on my face. The circle started on my forehead and enclosed my eyes. The X mark intersected above my upper lips ( just a few millimeter above it). Then in my body there were eight circular crystal (small one like a nickle-size). These formed a bigger circle. The crystal had different colors. Each crystal had also a corresponding symbol. I think the symbols were similar to that on the eight sides of the bagua. I even think the formation was similar to that of the bagua's. Can anyone of you tell me what that means? Please . . . I really need help.
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Re: Tell me please. . .
Post # 2
between the circles the x above the lip and the different colored crystals you could just be quite in tune with your powers but having difficulties translating them into actions or words
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