Hey Brothers and sisters

CovenShadow Craft ► Hey Brothers and sisters
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Hey Brothers and sisters
Post # 1
I was just wondering what are some of the gifts we all have since im new here I really dont much about all of you other than what is in your profiles. So as you know I get premonitions and I can astral project, I'm pretty good with potions and I like to cast spells so please let me in on some of what you do. Thanks everyone. Blessed Be -Ryan

Re: Hey Brothers and sisters
Post # 2
As a psion I'm an energy manipulator. I usually ise it for creating new constructs, very multi purpose!, and for attacks. There are many energies that this catagory can fall under easily, but I'm not going to bore you by listing them all ^^.

I'm also an empath, but it's not a skill I enjoy having. I'm also a telepath, but to a very low degree.

I can astral project, but not at will and usually when asleep.(my friends have seen me in the astral, above the dreamscape)

I've been trying to train electrokinisis and telekinisis, but so far my efforts are sparks and minute wobbling of pencils. Still, physics 0-psions 1 ^^

As a mage, i'm an Elementalist. I've subconciously called storms, never on purpose though.. yet.

I can change the wind's direction, or cause it to blow if its hot outside. I've created currents in water, no I didnt use my hands :p .

I can also use white magic, but my healing skills aren't exactly stellar. Black magic I dont particularily enjoy the feeling it brings to use, so i've only ever used it once to date.

Thats about it, i'd say.

Re: Hey Brothers and sist
Post # 3
Thanks Flagg that paints a picture for me. I see we share some gifts. I also am empathetic. I do not enjoy it either lol....Life goes on lol. I also try to help spirits move on.

Re: Hey Brothers and sisters
Post # 4
A worthy cause.

Re: Hey Brothers and sisters
Post # 5
Ryan i need to talk to you about your empath powers, i know you are a much stronger pyschic than me and i didnt know you were an empath also , but yea i think i am aquiring empath powers but i am not sure....

Re: Hey Brothers and sisters
Post # 6
I am an empath, and I also have ocassional psychic visions. The visions are often very disturbing so I don't work to develop them. I also work a lot with nature magic and nature spirits and in herbology. Blessed Be )O(

Re: Hey Brothers and sisters
Post # 7
okay if your not busy one day nightsong i would appreciate it if you could help me figure out if i am empathedic........ and i wouldnt call myself a pyschic i wouldnt put myself on the level as most of you, i just have dreams and sometimes they come true lol

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