Pentagram and a Pentacle.

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Pentagram and a Pentacle.
Post # 1
First, you must know the difference between a Pentagram and a Pentacle. A pentagram is just a fancy name for a five pointed Star, which are very important to witches. But a Pentacle on the other hand is a very sacred and ancient symbol to a Witch. Each of it's points represents one of the Elements, such as Earth, Air, Fire, & Water. Spirit is usually placed on top to signify Spirit over Matter. The circle surrounding the pentagram represents Unity and the continual cycle of Life, Death, & Rebirth. Witches wear pentacles for protection.

The pentagram tends to be THE religious symbol of the Pagan religions. It encompasses our elemental beliefs and is one of the strongest protective amulets ever "designed". The Pentagram dates back thousands of years to pre Babylonian Summer ... roughly about 3500 BC. Many religions have once used this symbol ... the Jewish people saw it as a symbol of the Five Books of Moses, and Christians once used it as a protective amulet. It has been called such things as the Druid's Foot and the Witches' Star. Each point of the Pentagram traditionally represents one of the five metaphysical elements of the ancients. The topmost point represents Spirit, The upper left point represents Air, the upper right point represents Water, the lower left point represents Earth, and the lower right point represents Fire. In this fashion, the pentagram represents Spirit ruling over the four elements. The pentagram is readily worn as jewelry and used upon the altar for spell work. As jewelry it can bring protection, wisdom, and empowerment. For spell work it connects us with the five elements.

Re: Pentagram and a Pentacle.
Post # 2
Thank you for sharing this with us.

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