about the war

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about the war
Post # 1
i have not said much on the forms i have just been watching and reading, and i have come to a conclusion about the war. i believe that the attack will take place in at least 5 weeks. i have added up everything people have said, looked at everyones clues and dreams, done some research and that is what i have came up with, so there is still at least five weeks to prepare yourself.....
thanks for reading.
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Re: about the war
Post # 2
All of what we are fighting, for example some ancient demons, are not awakened yet. They are not completely ready they still have a time to go and that time is not that close.
I do respect your for doing all that do not get me wrong, I just thought it would be fair for you to know this.
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Re: about the war
Post # 3
hmmm ok made i have made to many sudden conclusions ill take more time on it...ty for ideas
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