When I first started out, I LOVED using herbs. Once I can get my garden going I am going back to that in full force.
Using herbs is a great way of enhancing spells, and even attaining certian things with no spell at all.
You can burn them, boil them for potions and bath waters, put them in a bag to carry with you, toss them to the wind, ect.
Many herbs most people have never heard of, and at the same time, many you can find in your own kitchen discreetly. I will give a site with a very good list of different herbs, as well as mention some house herbs you can find with ease or at your local grocery store.
First things first ( gods bless google ) http://www.celticattic.com/tips_hints/health/herb.htm
Googling herb and magick can get you LOADS of different sites to cross refference.
I will post common household herbs within the day, as well as what you can do with them.