I made it

CovenDivine Spirits ► I made it
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I made it
Post # 1
Thank you for the support that everyone gave me. I am still over seas about to leave Thailand and head back to Japan. I cannot talk about anything that happened so please dont ask. I will say please take a moment to think about those who lost there lifes, on both sides. most of the people we fight dont want to fight, well not where im at they must fight or they will be killed. so when u think about all of those who lost there lifes think about that also. i once again thank everyone for your support and keeping me in mind. I lost some good friends but we r safer because of them. take care everyone.

Re: I made it
Post # 2
I'll light a candle in your honor and for your fallen comrades dreamkiller. Come back to us safely dear.

Re: I made it
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 3
I'm sorry to hear about your comrades and about your friends.
But i am glad we have you back. Hope you return safely I will also light a candle for you and your comrades
Blessed be!

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