some protection spells

CovenShadow Craft ► some protection spells
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some protection spells
Post # 1
To Keep Evil From your Home
make a tea from any of the following herbs and sprinkle it in corners and doorways of your home to purify it:
angelica root
broom tops
curry powder
holy thistle
poke root

this spell should keep the evil forces from entering your home

Re: some protection spells
Post # 2
For protection while you sleep
hang a red bag/sachet of either witch grass or asafetida over your bed
and put some protection gemstones at the north south east and west points of your bed
and before you go to sleep burn asafetida on and incense burner
while you draw a protection circle around your bed with a consecrated athame

Re: some protection spells
Post # 3
these are some things in correspondence with your protection magick
Elements:all especially fire
Colors:white, silver
stones:amber,any stone with a natural holes,hematite,and yellow flourite
goddess: Artemis, Sekhmet,Isis
Runes: Thorn,AS, EOH,

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