magic is hell?

CovenDivine Spirits ► magic is hell?
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magic is hell?
Post # 1
my christian friednd said to me that all magic is hell devil evil satan stuff. now as much as i like magic...and intreasted...where doe sthe power and the working of magic come from...when a spell comes does it come ture...who or wht is making it come true...and if its not good..then? she says healing and "good white colored magic" even thought magic dosnt really have a color..she says its a mask to cover the evil...i was wondering aout this and ur comments..and wht about fairies...are they ddevil creatufres much i love my friend...but how much i cant let go of magic and fatasy creatures..i finally felt like ive found something worth my time...i just dont want to live and die not knowing anything...i know im good...even if good has bad and bad has good...i really want this...but her word basically said the people who dont follow jesus are going to hell for entinity!

Re: magic is hell?
Post # 2
That's the most common words that come from a christian dear. To answer your questions

Is magic the devil or evil - according to christians it is
really magic is nothing more than the natural manipulation of the surrounding energy in your area (where ever that may be). People use magic all the time, even christians. Their prayers are our spells. There is no higher being that is making your spells, or anyone's spell work faster, better or even manifest with physical results. Magic is not evil, despite what the christians say.

No fairies are not the devils minions, they are elemental spirits that guide and help us when we really need them, they can be mischeivious at times, but they are playful spirits that rarely if ever wish to cause harm to their surroundings, as by doing so would upset the balance they are so fond of. They are more intune with nature than any human ever could be.

The next time she wants to bad mouth your religion you need to calmly explain that it is a personal choice to practice magic, and that christians do it just as much as any magic user. Christians have "borrowed" more paganistic views than most realise. Halloween, is purely a pagan holiday, so is Christmas, to us it's yule, Easter, to us it's Ostara. You must keep in mind that most christians do not do ANY research into their own religion, not to the depth that a pagan does. As a pagan you have to know how to protect yourself against chrsitian harrassment and bashings.

I also advise you to look at this site -

Not only does religious tolerance have indepth discussions and great articles, but they cover EVERY religion and all the small details about it. Take a look around and have some fun there, you could expand your mind, and find another religion you feel more suited to, or learn something deeper about the current religion you follow.

Re: magic is hell?
Post # 3
I thank u so much for ur answer! I feel so grateful

Re: magic is hell?
Post # 4
Did you know that Christians once used magick users. they felt that we where a blessing of God. many years ago a king (i cant think of his name off the top of my head) had a bad run in with bad. just like many other times before and after this king changed Bible just enough to give us a bad name. not long after that we hit the salam witch trials. one more reason we have to stay good beacuse one bad person messed everything up for the rest of us...i will spend some time looking up all the facts of us going from good in the church to bad.

Re: magic is hell?
Post # 5
You are thinking of King James. He thought he was being poisoned by a witch and thus - thou shalt not allow a witch to suffer, originally it was thou shalt not allow a poisoner to suffer. It was because of King James that the term Witch was added to the bible. The term Witchcraft however i do believe was in the old testament, but due to the lack of printing and everything being hand written, whose to say that the bible hasn't been changed at least 100 times since it's original conception?

Re: magic is hell?
Post # 6
Also, that passage "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live" is sorely mistranslated from the original Hebrew. In Hebrew, the passage reads "You shall not make your living from witchcraft", meaning that being a witch shouldn't be a profession.

Quite a far cry from "you shall not suffer a witch/poisoner to live".

So no, magic is not evil.

Re: magic is hell?
Post # 7
Think of Moses parting the Red Sea ;)

Magick? Most likely... Channeling of the divine is classed as magick

Re: magic is hell?
Post # 8
I know that this post was a few months ago but. If you have a friend that disrespects your religion, your beliefs. That is not a true friend. You should dump her, but thats your choice. or you should try help her not to be a ignorant religious nut. This is the thrid time I'm saying this on this website, but the only wiccan i know off the web is me. All my other friends and family are catholics, christians, and some athiest (athiest: non-religious people) They are really open-minded about Wicca. And they don't believe magic is evil since prayers are magic. I mean people use magic without even knowing it. Help your friend so she wouldn't be so closed-minded and ignorant or just dump her, or just leave her be.

Re: magic is hell?
Post # 9
How can they just judge magick like they do.
I mean Jesus himself was a healer? How can
they say what he did was evil. And besides
I have never seen evil try to help or heal

Re: magic is hell?
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 10
Christianity mocks any least the church...why?
Well, When Christianity was at its peak, they decided to start picking on other religions to gain followers and started spreading lies about the religion that was dominant at that time.
That was Paganism i think...paganism was marked evil and the work of the devil by the christianity so that the church (Not the followers) could gain followers.

But, every religion has a dark side...there was a war for each and every one of themand a hundreds of secret wars probably...

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