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No Subject
Post # 1
The site's layout is fairly simplistic and so far I think most members are about my age, late teens.

I think its hard to know who is telling the truth. If I know a spell can work, on a regular basis I will go for it, but only with that knowledge prior to its castation
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Re: No Subject
Post # 2
Hello Chris094,
There are a few questionable spells floating around many websites and book stands today. I can tell you that the only true way to find out if they work is the actual application of them. Sometimes it takes several times and have to have the right conditions for them to work. And some times after trying one spell over and over again you finally find out it is a bust!
Unfortunatly we all run into this in spell casting, and until you gain the knowledge of spell creation it is a very difficult road.
Now there are many spells that are out there and even on this site that are true bonified spells, that work very well. But just remember that researching is a requirement in the magical realm. Knowing what combination of herbs to use, what moon phase to use, etc..
What I am trying to say is don't get dishearted, if you have questions on certain spells by all means feel free to ask anyone about it. I am sure that they will be willing to tell you of their experiance (success/defeats).
Just don't give up my friend.

Warlock Draco
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Re: No Subject
Post # 3
Thanks Draco. Ok 1st question, which spells of this site have u tried? which work?
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Re: No Subject
Post # 4
There are two spells which I have tested on this site alone with great results.
1)Creat Magical Charm
2)Enchant Object

The other spells I have seen listed in the site spell book, I have had no use for even attemting to cast. For one reason I am a guy and do not need breast inlargements. : )
And for the second reason which corolates with the first is that I have no need for such spells listed.
I have however seen spells listed in the forums that I have tested and proven viable and works very well. And I have seen some that have been taken out of new age text books and shameful 101 how to witchcraft books that are not even worth the paper they were originally printed on.

But with any spell that you get from someone or somewhere, needs to be tested by you and researched. There are cases where it takes 6 times or more to get a spell right. But untill you have a greater knowledege on spell creation the best thing I can tell you is to try them for yourself and fully believe the spell will work. Do not go and automaticaly believe it wont because it will most definatly not work.

Warlock Draco
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