I need help...

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I need help...
Post # 1
i am part of teen witches and i have no clue how 2 make real spells. TEACH ME I AM STUPID!!!
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Re: I need help...
Post # 2
lolz. Making spells is kind of a personal thing for me...like making a painting. It normally takes me a day or two to figure out how I want to do it. But some basic rules that I follow:

Clearly Identify what needs to be done, but don't mention how (that is the will of the gods)

Meditate before you write/ cast the spell. It allows you to focus properly in order to cast the spell.

Consider the moon phases because they can have an impact on the spells strength or purpose:New Moon - There are usually two days of the new moon. This phase is very similar to the Waning Moon and used to rid ones self of things.

Waxing Moon - This is when the moon is increasing in size of visibility. This phase is for doing Spells that might increase your gain such as Love, money, power or other material things.

Full Moon - This the phase where I do my most important spells. For my beliefs are that my Magic is much more powerful during this phase. Most people like my friends only consider the Full Moon the actual day that it is the fullest and marked on the calendar. They do not know that the Moon has the same influence for a seven day period. Once again I personally prefer to work on the night of the Full Moon, at its fullest.

Waning Moon - This is when the moon is decreasing in size of visibility. This phase is normally for Spells that do away with things or make things go away. Such as making an enemy go away or a bad spirit or slander along with many other things.

Also look up information on differnent oils, candles, runes, crystals and other tools that can aid in carrying out the spell and choose the one most appropriate.
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