New Covens

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New Covens
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 1
I am looking to start Covens with the following theme:
  • Wicca based
  • Druid based
  • Voodoo based

If there is anyone who is realitivly well informed on any of these topics (or any other) and wants to lead a Coven let me know. I will require the following info:

Coven Name:
Target experience Level of members:
Target age of members:
A 200 word description of your Coven: (you can change this later)
An image/logo for your Coven: (not required)

I also require the following personal info:
Your name:
Your email:
Your age:
Your experience level:

Personal info is so that I can confirm you are honestly dedicated to this. Running a Coven on this website is not a lot of work. You approve or reject people for membership. You edit the Coven's description if you like, and you the better you know your theme the better you are able to answer questions on your forum boards (which only members can read).
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Re: New Covens
Post # 2
Coven Name:The Zars
Theme: Wiccan based on Earth, wind, water, Fire
Target experience Level of members:open
Target age of members: open
A 200 word description of your Coven:

An image/logo for your Coven: C:Documents and SettingsOwnerMy DocumentsMy Pictures

I also require the following personal info:
Your name: Erin Hough "Darkel" "huffer"
Your email:
Your age: 18
Your experience level: priest

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