Writing Spells?

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Writing Spells?
Post # 1
Exactly how do you write spells?
As in like making them up.
Are there rules for what they have to include?
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Re: Writing Spells?
Post # 2
Nope, no rules really. Think of it as poetry with a purpose. Your spells dont even really have to rhyme, it just makes it much more comfortable and easy to remember the whole thing, and chant it.
Like, I wrote a protection spell for my book of shadows, and it's pretty simple, just
"Protection lay upon this tome
Keep it safe within my home
So long as it may stay with me
For only my own eyes to see"
It rhymes, it's only four lines long, and its easy to chant. It also details the spell as I wish it to be carried. So long as the book belongs to me and I am the only one who sees it, it will be protected from outsiders. If I allow someone else to see it, it will break the spell since it continues as long as only I see it, but I would likely recast the spell after they'd seen it.

I also have a multi-purpose sealing spell I wrote that can be adjusted easily.
"Into this seal I place my power
To call upon in darkest hour
Keep contain'd until my need
When drawn upon my word you'll heed"
If I wanted to place my energy into a gem or a wand or something instead, I'd just replace the word 'seal' in the first line with whatever item I was using.

I hope I helped you with writing spells a bit. If you need any other help feel free to contact me through yahoo IM at heather_c19 or on AIM at MHeather198
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Re: Writing Spells?
Post # 3
so..if you LET someone see the book, the spell is broken, but if they do it against your will(or outside of your notice)the spell will keep?
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Re: Writing Spells?
Post # 4
It should protect it from people seeing it outside my will, yes. And so far it has. It sits in plain site and nobody has even asked about it, like it doesnt exist
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