Happy I found this site!

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Happy I found this site!
Post # 1

Well, been looking for a place like this for some time, and I'm delighted to have found this one!

For those who are naturally curious, (like me,) I am an eclectic...... something-or-other...

More accurately, I'm an Athiest-Zen-Shaman. Sound complex? Yea, well, it kinda is, but thats a story for another time I think.

I didn't use any magick/spells for a long time, but I'm now considering using certain types of magick with the cooperation of my animal spirit guide(s).

So there you go - thats all from me for now.

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Re: Happy I found this site!
Post # 2
Well you seem to be a very cheery soul, that is something good to have here. =]
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Re: Happy I found this site!
Post # 3
Why thanky! :P

Well you'd be surprised at how cheery I am if you knew the day I've had..... (agh.)

Might I enquire as to your own branch of magick is?
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Re: Happy I found this site!
Post # 4
The magick I practice?

White, Grey, Dragon, Chaos, Goetia, Enochian, Elemental ((mostly fire but not much of water)), the ocasional Necromancy, Candle, I do not do much of Black magick anymore, Divinination, and I read tarot cards.

And yourself?
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Re: Happy I found this site!
Post # 5
Ah, so you have your fingers in many honey pots! lol

Well, to elaborate on what I said earlier about being an Athiest-Zen-Shaman, The main reason why Atheism is first in that list is because unlike most Shamans, I do not believe in literal spirits, (aka: ghosts, faeries, sprites, and any other supernatural being) I am inclined to take "spirit" as a metaphor for something that resides in the subconcious mind.

So for example, much of my spiritual work involves Shamanic meditations to the "Lower world". Some people might refer to this sort of activity as "astral travel". But whatever animal spirit(s) I happen to communicate with, I see that spirit as being a representation of a particular part of my mind & personality.

So, to answer your question, I don't do alot of spell casting, but I've done a hell of a lot of reading, and thinking, and I'm now investigating what types of magic would work with my personal philosophy, and my Athiestic approach to spirituality.
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