Autumn Equinox

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Autumn Equinox
Post # 1
One of the Eight Sabbats

Date of the Sabbat is the 21st of September

Day and night are matched, and the tide of the year flows steadily. The Autumn Equinox theme is that the rest of labour. The sun is about to enter the sign of libra, the Balance. In the staions of the goddess, the spring Equinox represents Initiation; the Autumn Equinox, Repose. The harvest has been gathered in, both grain and fruit, yet the Sun-though mellower and less fierce than he was, ye the Sun is still with use.

The two Equinox are the time of psychic stress.That would seem to contradict the idea of the Equinox being time of balance, yet the paradox is only an apparent one. Times of Balance; of suspended activity, are by their nature the times when veil between the seen and the unseen is thin. They are also the season when human beings change gear to a diffrent phase, and therefore times of pshchological as well as psychic turbulence.

Western magical and poetic symbolism, we find that Autumn Equinox comes just before the end of the vine month and the beginning of the ivy month. Vine and Ivy are the only two of the month-trees which grow spirally and a universal symbol of reincarnation. The bird for Autumn Equinox is the Swan, another symbol is the wild goose.

The Autumn Sabbat follows an interrelated themes: the completion of the harvest; a salute to the Waning power of the Sun; and an acknowledgemnet thst Sun and harvest, men and women also, share in the universal rhythm of rebirth.

This is a little taste of the Autumn Equinox. If u want to learn more I suggest on reading Eight Sabbats for Witches by Janet & Stewart Farrar one of the first books i read about Sabbats. For some Sabbats like Samhain u would want to get a better book about that one Sabbat. Have fun XD

Re: Autumn Equinox
Post # 2
The equinox is actually on the 22nd :).

Re: Autumn Equinox
Post # 3
lmao i think ur right

Re: Autumn Equinox
Post # 4
lol ^^. I always know when the equinox is cause my birthday is the 22nd and I get excited when it's on the equinox lol. Dorky I know XD

Re: Autumn Equinox
Post # 5
lmao at least u can never forget the Equinox

Re: Autumn Equinox
Post # 6
haha yeah.

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