Pagan Demon Ward off

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Pagan Demon Ward off
By: / Novice
Post # 1
Ok so we are all more-less fammiliar with how Christians and Quabbalah practitioners preform exorcism, but not all of use know about how Pagans do that
Here is a neat except from Gerina Dunwich ( who I adore!!!! ) book : " Witches guide to Ghosts and suppernatural "

That evening, after the sun had disappeared below the
western horizon and the sky over our house swarmed with
its nightly bats, I sprinkled some salt upon the floor in the
guest bedroom and fumigated the room with a burning
smudge bundle made from sage and cedar (two herbs long
reputed to possess protective powers and long used by
Witches and shamans to banish evil spirits and negative
energies). I then cast a circle of protection on the floor, in
which Lisa, Al, and myself stood, and lit four white pillar
candles—one at each of the four directional points along
the circumference of the circle. As the fragrant smoke
and candle glow filled the room, I invoked the Goddess
and Horned God with a prayer and asked for their protection
during and after the ritual. I then proceeded to intone
an incantation adapted from one found in an old Sybil Leek
book called Driving Out the Devils:
“In the name of the Mother Goddess!
I cast you out, all evil spirits!
In the name of Diana, depart!
In the name of Astarte, depart!
In the name of Lilith, depart!
In the name of Bridget, depart!
In the name of all good creatures,
Leave this house! Leave this house!
Leave this house! Leave this house!
This place is our domain,
And we are stronger than you!
Depart, all evil spirits!
Depart from this house at once!”
As I repeated the incantation over and over again, I
noticed the flames of the candles flickering wildly and burning
higher than I had ever seen before—at least six inches,
True Tales of Ghosts and Hauntings
if not more! A cold chill swept through the room as the
walls began to creak and the glass panes of the windows
rattled. After awhile, the creaks and rattling subsided and
an air of tranquility came over the room. I looked down at
the candles around the circle and their flames burned once
again at a normal rate. The dark presence each of us had
felt before in the room was no longer around and I was
confident that the ritual had been successful in driving out
whatever evil spirits had once occupied this part of the house.


Blessed be !

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