And some Gods and Goddesses who's names start with H:
Ha - guardian god who is an early deity of the western Sahara,
(egyptian). He was referred to as warding off enemies (Libyan?) from the west. Shown crowned with the symbol of the desert dunes.
Hachiman: God of war and peace from Japan (Shinto). Cult centre on southern island of Kyushu at Usa.
Hadad: Weather God. (possibly derived from Akkadian - Addad)
During Hellenic times he was worshipped at Ptolemais and Hierapolis. Syrian consort to Atargatis.
Hades: Greek god of death. He was the son of Kronos and Rhea and might be perceived as the chthonic form of Zeus. Consort to Kore. (Persephone).
Hahanu: Mesopotamia, known only from inscriptions.
Hala: God of Healing, Kassite, might have merged with Gula.
Halahalla: God of Poison, Buddist. Shown seated on red lotus with Sakti on the left knee. Three headed and three eyed.
Hammon: God of the evening sun, and ancient deity shown with Rams horns. Libyan.
Hani, The attendant of Adad.
Hansa, avatara of visnu, depicted as a goose.
Hanuman (with large Jaws) - monkey god, also Hindu, attends Rama. Son of Pavana, the god of the winds. He is said to very fast.
Hao: creator God of Ethiopia. Personified by Crocodile and thought to live in the river Gibe. Human sacrifices were made to make him happy.
Hapy: Fertility god of the Nile Flood. No known sanctuaries of this Egyptian God. Very androgynous features, with prominent belly, and crowned with water plants. At Abydos he is depicted as a two-headed Goodes with a human body.
Harmonia - God of joining. Greek/ Roman. Daughter of Ares and
Aphrodite. Mother of Ino, Semele. She is the the apotheosis of
harmony in life.
Harpokrates, Greek. Seen as the child form of Horus. Shown sitting on the knee of Isis. Represents the god-child. Worth comparing to Har-pa-khered.
Hastsebaad: Chief of Goddesses, navaho Indian. Involved in rites of exorcism and wields a lot of influence.
Hathor: Egyptian mother goddess adn goddess of love. Cult centres as Dendara, Giza and Thebes. She is a major Egyptian Deity, shown often as a Cow goddess with stars/ sky attritubtions. Daughter of sun God Ra. Pharaohs were said to be 'son of Hathor'.
Hatthi - Hindu Plague goddess.
Hebat - Hittite and Hurrian patron goddess and Mother goddess.
Hebe - Goddess of Youth, Greek, daughter of Zeus and Hera, consort to Herakles.
Hekate: Greek Cthonic Goddess, of the Underworld, with power over portions of the Land, Sea and Sky. Later became a Moon Goddess, in particulary a Goddess of the Dark Moon. Her cult centre was at Lagina. Lots of references to Her in the theogony worth inspecting if you are interested. 'triple' goddess depiction of Her with Artemis and Selene - though of course they are seperate Goddesses!
Helios: Greek Sun God. Cult centre at Rhodes. The idea of a Sun God is universal, so in many ways Helios is not exclusively greek. On Rhodes there was said to have been a 'colossus' one of the seven wonders of the ancient world - and here a giant statue of Helios was erected, celebrated by festivals during which a chariot with four horses was driven off a cliff, symbolizing the setting of the sun into the sea. (poor horses!!)
Hera: The wife of the Greek Zeus. Lots of arguments with other greek Goddess!!!
Herakles: Greek Hero God, crossovers with Hercules.
Hermaphroditos: The offspring of Hermes and Aphrodite, lover to the water nymph Salmakis.
Hermes: Cult centre of the Greek Hermes, as messenger to the Gods was at Pheeos in Arcadia. Lots of shrines all over the 'old' world to Hermes. Said (in the Greek pantheon!!) to be the son of a Maia, a nymph who consorted with Zeus. God of trickery and of sezual vigour. Shown classically as wearing winged golden sandals, holding a magical herald's staff - intertwined with the Kerykeion (sperpents).
Hermus: River God of the Romans. There was a sanctuary to Hermus at Sardis
Re: Gods H By: Mew_Mew_Kiki
Post # 2 Nov 09, 2009
Herne: British Celtic or Anglo Saxon god, known locally from Windsor Great Park, Berkshire. Similarities with the Welsh Gwynn ap Nudd and Arawn. He is the leader of the phantom hunt, shown with Stag Antlers.
Hestia: Greek Goddess of Hearth and home.
Hilal: Pre Islamic Arabian Moon God, of the New Moon.
Hours: Underworld Goddesses of the Egyptian Pantheon. They are the
twelve daughers of the sun God Ra (Re).
Huitzilpochtlie - blue Humming bird on left foot - Aztec Sun god and patron of the Aztec nation. He was tutelary and was also regarded as a god of war
Hyperion: God of Primordial light, Greek, pre homeric.
Hypnos: God of sleep, one of the sons of the greek Goddess of the night Nyx.
Heimdall - nordic god who guards Bifrost, the rainbow bridge leading to Asgard, the home of the Gods. It is Heimdall who is to sound the signal horn to the Aesir that Ragnarok is beginning.
Hahbwehdiyu - Native American (Iroquois) - Good creator deity and twin brother to Hahgwehdaetgah (an Evil Spirit). Called upon for Strength, Victory and Creativity