breif on good skills.

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breif on good skills.
By: / Novice
Post # 1
Well for starters its been raised before i even post anything that not everyone knows how to visualize energy around and inside you, so we shall start with that.
Assuming you can already at the least visualize enough to see mental images (I'll try and touch that if somebody cant and would like me to). I would start with first focusing on yourself ... then the area around you. Then will and "see" the energy within you (commonly a light of varying colors dependent upon the person and other conditions) sitting idly within you ... see it glow and feel its movement. Feel the warmth it brings when condensed around your body.
Then, if you can, will it towards for now your finger (dominant hand preferably IMHO). See your energies movement and feel it as it fills that region of your body, will that light from other regions of your body towards that area.
At this point you may feel a dull tingle, warmth, or a number of other things ranging from pain to pleasure in odd cases.
That would be inner or self energy movement and control basics ... practice often and you can be able to do far more than simply stimulate your finger. (In my experience this skill is also helpful for learning to Ground and Center)

Moving on to External Energy.
The method for external is similar yet not the same.
after visualizing yourself and your own energy open yourself to that which is around and near you. Feel its pushes and pulls on your body. See the way it moves with the things around you in some cases. It may (in my case) contain a similar glow or light to it as your own inner energy. (people often see energy in their own special ways.) Feel the warmth of the energy much as you did with your inner energy, and attempt to connect with it. (this is still simply my method) It is common practice to use your hands to help direct or guide the energy at this point. Point, wave, push or pull, do whatever your comfortable with or whatever works to help you will the energy around you to move or bend. As you visualize the energy moving have in mind what shape or such you want it to move to or be molded into. (this is the basic to my brand of shielding which will be touched later if wished) I would say to start with the molding of a ball or similar shape out of these energies. Feeling the shape and form of it helps for many first tries so i would suggest positioning your hands as if you were holding a beach ball. Then begin to fill that space into the form of a ball with the energies until (in visualization) you have a mass of glowing light or so on of energy in you grasp. Feel its weight and presence there for a while. Try and hold this visualization for as long as possible or is comfortable to better yourself in the method.
Then as simply as you gathered the energy let it disperse for now. We will touch on ways to use it without letting it go so to say later. Feel the weights lift off of you so to speak as you lessen your grip with it, yet remain connected as many will benefit from it to do so.
After wards it would be wise to ground yourself.(for those who do not know how I'll cover it briefly with another of my methods).
Take a few good deep breaths sitting or laying on the ground until you feel centered. Clear your mind if it helps. As you begin to feel centered begin to visualize the world's energy and your own. Draw positive energy up into you from this source slowly letting it fill you from top to bottom, then just as you saw this positive light so to speak fill you let the dark negative drain out as much as you can. See this darkness fall into a "pool of energy" of the world, so to speak, and burn being replaced by energy returning to you of whatever you need the most at that time. As with most energy colors will vary. Breathe this energy in and let it enter you replacing the vacancies left by now gone negativity.
You may now open your eyes and should feel refreshed, or at least more so than before.

Once again i state that these are merely my methods.
In the good will that someone benefits from this.
If good feedback and more is urged then i shall oblige.

Re: breif on good skills.
By: / Novice
Post # 2
if this is a bit much for anyone or they would like a bit more hands on then get ahold of me and I'll see what i can do.. preferably over chat.

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