this is a beneficial and a great thing to do it helps you come closer and understand more of yourself
Everyone dreams at night. Those who claim they don't simply do not remember their dreams. If you want to have lucid dreams you must first be good at dream recall. Lucid dreams are usually induced by cues (I shall go deep into this topic later)
If you don't remember your dreams, you won't be able to study them to determine your personal cues or dream signs--reoccurring signs that are typical of your dreams. Of course, if you don't remember your dreams, you can have a lucid dream during the night and completely forget it in the morning! You may have already experienced a lucid dream, and just don't know it because you have forgotten it during the course of the night.
The first step to developing your dream recall is getting plenty of sleep. When you're well rested, it will be easier for you to focus on your intent of recalling dreams when falling asleep. Also, if you're able to get plenty of sleep during the night, you won't mind taking some time during the night to record your dreams and that's exactly what you'll have to do. Finally, the REM (Rapid Eye Moment) periods of sleep get longer during the latter hours of sleep; thus sleeping for longer periods will give you more of an opportunity to awaken from your dreams and remember them.
You won't be able to adequately develop your dream recall if you just plan on going through everything you remember dreaming upon waking up in the morning. During the course of the night, you have many different dreams at least one per REM period of sleep. The brain seems to erase the previous dream during the intermediate stages between REM periods. Thus, to remember your dreams, you will need to wake up during the REM period. A couple ways of accomplishing this will be discussed here. The easiest is simply to set your alarm clock for 90 minute periods. Aiming for the latter REM periods (about 4.5, 6, or 7.5 hours into sleep) is best because those are the longest dream periods.
However, to be able to eventually control your dreams, you're going to have to focus your intent on doing so. Therefore a better method of recalling your dreams is focusing your intent on remembering them before falling asleep, as this will prepare you for controlling your dreams later on. Tell yourself you're going to remember your dreams, just before you lay down. Really focus your intent on that; imagine yourself waking up, turning on a lamp (or flashlight), and recording your dreams. As you fall asleep, remind yourself of your intent: "I will awake from my dreams, and completely remember them." If you find your mind wondering as you drift off, again remember your intent. You want the last thought before drifting off to sleep to be of your intent to awaken from your dreams.
you need to record your dreams upon awakening from them. No matter how clear they seem upon waking, you'll have almost completely forgotten them when you again awake in the morning. Keep a dream journal beside the bed (any writing pad will do.) Upon waking, don't allow your mind to drift; immediately attempt to focus on what you had just been dreaming, and write it down in your dream journal. At 4:00am you're probably not going to be in the mood to write a lengthy story about your dream; instead, write down key points, such as what you were doing, where you were, and who was around you. Also, note anything strange anything that wouldn't normally happen in the waking world.
If you find these strange events reoccur in your dreams, then they are your personal dream signs you will be able to use them to induce lucid dreams, eventually. Before attempting to induce lucid dreams, you should be able to recall at least one dream a night