
Forums ► General Info ► protection
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Post # 1
Does anyone know a protection spell against humans?
4 example:
say u had a wand and nonbelievers were joking around saying they were going to steal it some time next week. how could u protect the wand against mortals??????????????????
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Re: protection
Post # 2
nice responce benge. but i mean wat if u cant or its something to big to hide??????????
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Re: protection
Post # 3
you could try a cloaking spell. to make it less obvious that it is where you hide it.(if you hide it)
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Re: protection
Post # 4
Ingrave pentacles signs on the wand that should back them off.
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Re: protection
Post # 5
Try to hide it and use the cloaking spell, those will most likely work. Nonbelievers who do not know of what you do would think it was a fancy stick or something. If they do and want to try to use the wand for soemthing you do not wish them too, you could try a spell to cloaks its power, or make it impossible to for anyone but yourself to use it!
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Re: protection
Post # 6
i only used the wand 4 an example i am trying to protect my friends caterpillar 4 her cuz it died and she had to bury it on campus she knows im into witchcraft so she wants me to protect frm people who want to unbury it ya i know its stupid but im doing it 4 a friend
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Re: protection
Post # 7
I have done some protection spells, and if you go to this link, if will come alot of different protection spells to choose from
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Re: protection
Post # 8
I've sent you a spell through PM. :) Hope it works.
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