How Hrystals Help Us Heal

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How Hrystals Help Us Heal
Post # 1
We all know that crystals can help us in our healing. Knowing how to use them and how they work can help us be more effective when we use these special tools. But first a brief history lesson.

Crystals have been used for healing since early man. Ancient man thought that crystals were a gift from their ancestors that had fallen to Earth. The Egyptions used crystals (althought only the pharoh and his priests could afford the real thing and others used imitations made of glass)because they believed that if you carried or wore a crystal you would be imbued with powers from the spiritual world.

Now back to the main event. Crystals have a few traits that contribute to it's usefulness as a healing tool. The first one that we will discuss is color. Weather we know it or not colors have specific effects on our brains. That's because different colors send specific energy signals from light to our brains and forces us to think or feel differntly. If we learn which colors affect us we can use it in our healing.

Black- Grounding
Brown- Enabling
Red- Energizing
Orange- Releasing
Yellow- Organizing
Green- Balancing
Blue- Communicating
Indigo- Cooling
Violet- Integrating
Pink- Accepting
White- Cleansing
Clear- Clarifying

Another way is the lattice patterns within the crystal. Lattices are the way that the atoms in a specific crystal are aranged. It makes sure that all of the crystals of a specific kind are alike in shape, number of faces and the like. There are 7 main lattice types that each help with a different thing.

Cubic- Releasing tension and encouraging creativity
Tetragonal- Balancing and harmonizing
Orthorhombic- Linking and aiding the flow of information
Trigonal- Energizing and anchoring
Monoclinic- Affects movement and perception
Hexagonal- Organizing and supporting
Triclinic- Opening and protective

Crystals come in a variety of ways. You can get them in mineralogical samples (which means that they ae still attatched to the rock base or in the form they were found), crystal clusters (many crystals of the same kind with a common base), single crystsls, tumbled stones (usually lesser grade or damaged crystals that have been polished until they are smooth and usually inexpensive and easy to put on the body), or worked crystals(shaped and polished from large blocks into massage wands or free standing decorative shapes). Usually the single crystals or tumbled stones are used directly on the person while the others are used to decorate an area.

Knowing how crystals work is a big step in learning to use them to heal and enhance your life. If you master this then I'd say you are half way there. :D

Re: How Hrystals Help Us Heal
Post # 2
I would love to get some Crystals too.

Re: How Hrystals Help Us Heal
Post # 3
Don't worry the next lesson will have some crystals in there. I just thought it was important for us to know HOW crystals help us and not just what they do.

Re: How Hrystals Help Us
Post # 4
Did you know Heart that the quartz crystal kind be substited for any other crystal. If you have a quartz but not a Lapis Luzli then you could treat the quartz as the Lapis Luzli. I did not know that until very recently.

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