make the sun shine

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make the sun shine
Post # 1
you need:

golden/yellow candle, paper to draw roughly a five inch map of your area for where u want the sun to shine.

move the map clockwise in a circle 3 times around the candle flame and imagine the candle is the sun, burn the map in the flame while making your wish of sunshine: (you don't have to say but helps)

Fair weather i ask you to shine,
On this special day of mine,
I've chased the clouds away,
So the sun will shine all day.


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Re: make the sun shine
Post # 2
So how do you make it dark and cloudy?
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Re: make the sun shine
Post # 3
pretty much reverse it, when the candle is lit, instead of burning the map just blow the candle out and let smoke cover the map, could try catching the smoke and leaving the map in it.... dunno havnt tried making it dark.
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