Types of Healing Methods

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Types of Healing Methods
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There are various types and ways to heal. Most of them, I may not have heard of, however there are some more well known types that I am somewhat familiar with. These types are clinical, herbal, chi, reiki, meditative, spiritual, and chakra healing.

Clinical is the most modern form of healing. This is the art of doctors and nurses, most commonly done in doctor offices and hospitals. I won't be going into much more detail on this.

Herbal is the most well known Native American form of healing, using nature's natural herbs for their healing properties. Most commonly these are boiled into teas, however they can also be turned into ointments or creams for placement on the skin. As soon as I am able to, and I must admit I have absolutely no idea when that will be, I will be posting these treatments in the spellbooks of every coven I am in.

Chi healing is to use the body's own life energy to help heal the physical, spiritual, or mental body of an individual. Although it is possible for those who have dedicated their lives to this practice to mend broken bones and cure diseases, it may also be the most draining and demanding forms of healing. Those who have not dedicated their entire lives to mastering this art usually only succeed on an mental or chakra level.

Reiki may be the most well known form of using energy to heal, however it requires love and humility. Those who truly excel in the art of reiki acknowledge that the energy is pulled from universal energy and does not really stem from them. They also heal because they love people, not for pride, not for money, and not for personal gratification of an kind. However, that does not mean the reiki healers who do charge money or don't love their patients aren't any good. It simply means they would be even better if they didn't charge money and did love.

Meditative is a personal healing. This would involve cleaning your mind, refreshing your spirit, cleaning and cleansing your chakras or opening them if they haven't been opened, etc. Although you can have someone walk you through the meditation, the meditation itself most be done by the one who wants to be healed.

Spiritual healing could be one of two things and sometimes both. Sometimes it means healing your spiritual self; refreshing beliefs, rededicating yourself to the path you have chosen, etc. Sometimes it involves your higher power granting healing of some form. So far the only reports I have heard have been Christian ones and involved teeth growing back when they had been pulled out, lost limbs being returned, blindness or deafness being removed, etc. Although Christian healings are not the only healings, they are the only ones I have heard of and so the only ones I can honestly mention in reference to a spiritual healing.

Chakra healing I listed to explain that you can't heal with your chakras, but your chakras can be healed. They need to be cleaned, cleansed, and kept open regularly. Failure to maintain your chakras could result in them closing entirely or at least becoming clogged so badly that they might as well be closed. Even if you have created a servitor to maintain your chakras for you, checking up on them yourself from time to time is a good idea.

If you have another method of healing you'd like to add, feel free to share it.

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