help me to make wand

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help me to make wand
Post # 1
i want to create wand.what wood must i use for dark magic,what stones do i me
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Re: help me to make wand
Post # 2
Oak wood is the best for black magic or any other wood noob
Oak: Endurance, triumh, and destruction
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Re: help me to make wand
Post # 3
Here's a page which has info on making your own wand; it's based more on the process of making one rather than giving a background to materials you might use. Hope it helps.
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Re: help me to make wand
Post # 4
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Re: help me to make wand
Post # 5
thanks,it realy helped
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Re: help me to make wand
Post # 6
what do you use a wand for?
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Re: help me to make wand
Post # 7
for spells,beside its cool
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