Psychic Circle like Ouija

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Psychic Circle like Ouija
Post # 1
Can anybody tell me if Psychic Circle works like Ouija? I'm planning on buying it...
Is it dangerous or just fine?
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Re: Psychic Circle like O
Post # 2
works similar. check out the instructions. anythings dangerous if you dont know what your doing.
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Re: Psychic Circle like Ouija
Post # 3
Hey Exotic!

I beleive they are both the same, I visited a shop a couple of days ago, I asked for a Ouiji board, and they showed me a phycic circle instead.
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Re: Psychic Circle like Ouija
Post # 4
Iv got a psychic circle they work exsactly the same.But they are both dangerous research before opertating
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Re: Psychic Circle like Ouija
Post # 5
Thx everyone!!!
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Re: Psychic Circle like Ouija
Post # 6
wat shop did u go to
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Re: Psychic Circle like Ouija
Post # 7
Inner harmony
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Re: Psychic Circle like Ouija
Post # 8
I got mine in anginsin robbensin if thats the name of the store it was a book store.I get all my spiritual kits there.They used to sell voodoos but my mum wouldnt buy it for me.So sad.
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Re: Psychic Circle like Ouija
Post # 9
So how do these stuff work anyway? Can you do it by yourself?? Does it summon demons or bad spirits? Do you touch the glass or you let it move?
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Re: Psychic Circle like Ouija
Post # 10
see they hook up to the most local spirits, or a bound one if used alot. there is not always alot of control and also some times I think they speak phonicly.
yes you can do it alone, but its safer with a friend or more.
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