
Forums ► General Info ► Familiars??
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Post # 1

Does anyone hav a familiar as a magickal creature?
.Cos If anyone does, can they tell me how they found it?
.Also can you see it?
.Wat it's like and wat they do?

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Re: Familiars??
Post # 2
You mean an astral familiar? (Creatures from myth that exist on another level of reality?)
I made a servitor once that was draconic, but I'm beginning to think that doesn't count. So, lately I've gone looking for dragons on astral projections... but seem to encounter chimera instead. Wouldn't call them familiars, but I think you would find them/ they would find you in the same way... through astral projections, or dreams.

If you mean a physical familiar... My brother's not a magic-user, but he did adopt a kitten he found on the street so she grew up very protective of him... and I don't know when she got her powers but she likes to change the outcome of my spells and interfere with projections now.
A familiar is supposed to do the opposite, to assist you with these things, so I think she's his more than mine. :-P But pets are still part of the family, and I've been told (from someone who hears/listens to animals better than I do) that her interference is really protective instead of mischievous. When I'm in-body, though, she's just an ordinary cat.
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Re: Familiars??
Post # 3
Kwl thanx!
I have encountered someone with a mythical creature as there familiar, but they didn't reply to there post!

Also someone told methat, there is one last dragon left, but he is the last of his kind and must be pretty big??

My only problem is, I havent been able to do astral projection yet, I keep getting stuck at lift off!! (It's really annoying)
I do have a cat too and if I cant get a mythical creature as my familiar, then she will be just as good! Cos she is magickal in some way! other people hav noticed it too!!
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Re: Familiars??
Post # 4
Only one left? Well that might explain why I haven't seen one... but doesn't explain why others work with several ;-)

Strangely the first time I AP'd, it was at the moment I'd given up.

Yeah, cats are pretty popular choices for familiars (and no wonder, they can just get everywhere. I think they all have a little Sphinx in them...)
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