so, wot dose everyone else think about this form of magic? i beleive the idea is to use energymanipulation to cast thease spells, wot do the rest think?
Firstly, the language the author of that site is using isn't Latin. He thinks it is, but he couldn't properly decline a Latin noun, or conjugate a Latin verb, to save his life.
Secondly, he has no more idea than the man in the moon how to actually work operative magic. He rather seems to be under the impression that it works the way it's depicted in the various Harry Potter films: speak a few words in an arcane language, gesture with a stick, and marvels occur.
Sorry, but it doesn't work like that.
Basing your practice on anything that you saw in a Hollywood film, (with some EXTREMELY limited exceptions,) is made of fail.
Well, if you use words to help direct certain energies and you associate the words with certain energies then it will work. No marvels or Harry Potter. I'm sure it would take MANY years of practice in that in order to create some sort of marvel.
Yes, but it's much simpler to just reach out and directly alter the shape of the Universe, without bothering with all of the extra mumbo-jumbo. Why is it, do you suppose, that people WILL insist on making simple things complicated?
Probably because if they don't complicate it then people will pass it off as something that is fluff. I personally don't believe something magick related unless it is explained in a complicated format.
Using a different lanuage such as latin makes the mind work, and thus uses more energy and focus. If you do things in simple english(or whatever your native togune is) then there isn't as much effort into it, and thus is not as powerful.
Now, yes magick can be complicated, but it can also be simple. Ultimately it is up to the user and the purpose in which they're using(and by no way did I mean that in a wrong way, lol).
But you all are forgetting one MAJOR thing(and yes you'll see this in a lot of my other posts). Insted of doing things the magickal way, how bout try the mundane way first. More miraclous things have been known to happen if you only try. Everything does not have to be done using magick(nor even require it).
Loads can be done with simple will power, determination, skill, and desire alone(and sometimes some natural talent helps).