A little question..

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A little question..
Post # 1
I wasn't sure where to put this, I hope its in the right spot.
I've been looking around the forums and such, and I saw that most(or some) of you guys have a Book of Shadows or a family that practices magick.

I don't own a Book of Shadows and my family doesn't practice magick.
Does that stop me from being good at practicing magick? Does that mean I won't be as good as you guys?
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Re: A little question..
Post # 2
No it doesn't I am the same as you it in some cases could make others more experienced but it doesn't stop you and it doesn't mean you won't be as good as anyone else. Hope that helps.
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Re: A little question..
Post # 3
Thank you ^____^
That helped, made me calm down.
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Re: A little question..
Post # 4
Of course it does not matter, everyone has magick in them, it just depends on how aware of it you are. Also everyone has a third eye which enables much in spirituality, which can be opened.
All you must do is practice. That may be the only way to really develop your powers with great results and no negative effects.
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