Re: which levitation spell By: kts Moderator / Adept
Post # 2 Sep 16, 2009
Levitation can only be achieved as a skill learned through meditation. There is no spell to make you or any other object levitate. The only way that this is possible is by telekinesis which is moving objects with the mind. (some may want make up a new word for this such as "levitationkinesis" however controlling anything with the mind falls under telekinesis)
It seems like that when it comes to levitation, people forget about 'Light as a feather, stiff as a board' It counts as a spell since it uses chants, and for most people it works.
Spells, rituals, ect can be used in meditation and can, and has been, successful.
There is never only one way to do things.
There is only the way that works best for you.
Different things work for different people.
I can just barely meditate, and I have done things said to be only be done through meditation through my own way.
Re: which levitation spell By: kts Moderator / Adept
Post # 5 Sep 17, 2009
The word Spell has a different meaning for everyone it seems. When I say there is no spell to accomplish levitation I am talking about a there is no combination of things that are tangible that you put together to make you levitate. A chant to me is not a spell but a form of meditation since you are gathering energy through the words and manipulating it to raise an object.
You can raise yourself up through levitation but it might not be very far. I only know of a few people who have had the ability to lift themselves through levitation and they got no further than an inch off the ground. As for objects only one could move them and it was more of a sliding then a lifting.
However you accomplish your magic it does really depend on you. One technique may work better for you than another however that does not mean you can say I don't need to meditate in order to do magic. I believe those people are not informed enough to understand that meditation has many forms and that they are in fact meditating when they visualize or gather energy. Even grounding and centering is a form of meditation.
As I see it, any form of manipulating energy through a chant or tool counts as a part of spellwork.
Tools are just tools, whether they be herbs or knives, mirrors or rope, blood or bone.
Using these in levitation can be accomplished.
Most things can be considered spellwork, So meditation can be also, correct?
Many forms of meditation, yes, but I can say that I do not need to do the most 'common interpretation' of meditation in order to do spellwork.
Using symbols and tools such as feathers, clouds, and anything that has the 'slower/anti-gravity' affect may help in meditation.
Most tools that "work" or "enhance" spell casting only do so because the user believes they do. This goes for anything manipulating energy or somehow affecting the flow of energy. Herbs and incense both have chemicals that would affect the brain as would scented candles, which in my opinion sets those three objects in a more understandably "required" category.
Meditation would not be considered spell casting in my opinion as spell casting seems to be more along the lines of manipulating energy. Meditation is generally about clearing your mind or cleansing your body's energy(not really manipulating, just cleaning). There may be a specific method or two that have to do with energies outside your body, but I would probably consider those to be more of a energy manipulative trance then a form of meditation.
For levitation what you would want would probably be an anti-gravity unit of some kind. Which, for those of you who are wondering, are probably not out on the public market yet if they exist at all. If anyone can prove me wrong about this by levitating without physical tools/objects(including body parts) holding you off the ground, please put it in a video. Also be ready to do a remake in case anyone calls out anything that could point towards it being a fake, such as having your back to the camera(velcro on the shoes, vertical slit in middle front of one pants leg, end of pants leg attached to shoe, and with your back turned you can slip your leg out to lift yourself up on a raised surface without anyone seeing any movement in your legs).
I use the "lost item" spell this mourning to find my lost cellphone and 5 hours laters my grandma found it under the couch, did that means the spell work?