Higher Magicks

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Higher Magicks
Post # 1
Hello, I am in the Council of the Higher Magicks coven, and it has come to my attention that my Priestess and Priest's profiles have been deleted without any warning, and I now have no Priest or Priestess and am the only council member (which makes me feel like I am responsible for fixing this). I do not know what to do now and would appreciate some help and information as to what I should do and will come of my coven.

Thankyou for your time
Raven Rose
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Re: Higher Magicks
Post # 2
If there is anyone from the council position that would like to take over, send an email to Kts.
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Re: Higher Magicks
Post # 3
Hey there Raven.
Being the only councilor you should volunteer, I think Nevermore would have appreciated HM falling into the hands on someone she knew and trusted.

Besides, from what I remember, I think you could handle it.
- Ava
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Re: Higher Magicks
Post # 4
Thank you Ava. At the moment I can take over, I just need some time to digest the situation to be confident that I can haha.
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