Need to talk

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Need to talk
Post # 1
Hi. I'm Melissa. As a teenager I praticed Wicca and now I'm trying to take it up again. So here's the deal. I'm empathic and have been diagnosed with depression. Apparently they both run in my family. At one point when I was about 15, I some how was able to message my grandmothers who have crossed over (I believe I was astral projection) Specifically I need to ask one of my grandmothers a question about all the things wrong with me. I'm the only girl left on her side and it seems that this is a Female trait. How do I get to the point where I can ask her questions again? Is there a spell that may work?

In additon I was consitantly visited by my Grandfather who I've never met. Oddly enough no one had to ever tell me he was my grandfather I actually just one day pointed to his picture and said "Poppy" (which is what I call my granfather.) So He's always been with me but I was told family memebers can't be guardians. Any thoughts?
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Re: Need to talk
Post # 2
ye, try disassosiacting yourself from depression, if it works, its not ur emotion, if it is go to a healer, this might be a problem from one of your past lives.
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Re: Need to talk
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 3
I see no reason why ancestors cannot be guardians. Many traditions revere and worship the ancestors as guides and guardians.

Though, as with all spirits, caution and courtesy are always the best practice.
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