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Post # 1
O.K. I'm new at all of these and I'm trying to learn as much as I can I have witchcraft history books and stuff but I want to cast my first spell already can someone help me please...I want to cast a sexual spell and a water controlling spell can someone tell me the spell, the ingredients, and location that I need I'm really believe in magic and I want to learn everything I can....
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Re: Help!!!
Post # 2
Ummm just adding this because I forgot...which coven is the best, the truest, and more powerful...because I want one that is real will make me stronger and will help me with everything I need and eventually I will help...
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Re: Help!!!
Post # 3
Hello would somebody reply already....PLEASE!!!!
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Re: Help!!!
Post # 4
first of all, you cannot go by what is the most powerful coven. You have to go for what coven fits your interest, like I am in the time mages coven which implies time (obvious is it not?) because I tend to bend time on my will, so yeah I chose the you should choose a coven that fits your interest not the one the says is powerful and what not.( apparently spell caster has a bad reputation but then again who knows) Sexual spell? Uh...why? sorry reasons are very any case, I should say I cannot help you but water bending? Ok...first you have to get familiar with water (in my opinion, i am working with fire so yeah...) and meditate as much as you can with water, yep water. and what you mean control water? when you do spells you have to be specific for what you are asking, and have a target...sorry you need to be more specific.
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Re: Help!!!
Post # 5
Umm I am a water element so I am associated with water because I am a Cancer um I mean like control or bend water or even time it would be cool to freeze time for a short time and bend water like freeze it or change the flow of it...anything associated with water and time....but I on teen witches coven those that matter if I want to bend time or water???
Ps: Thank you for replying....
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Re: Help!!!
Post # 6
How to release your abilities or to improve them? I will say practice what you already know, and try to get more knowledge of what you are trying to get into.
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