Greetings everyone

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Greetings everyone
Post # 1
Just wanted to say hi and introduce myself it's hard though isn't it to tell people about yourself erm.... well here goes. I am 32 wife and mother, taught the old ways by my grandma most of my life, a bit rusty though now after the birth of my daughter just getting back into the swing of life again.

I lean towards dark magic more than white but my close friends/sisters are totally white magick witches and I love them to bits and what they stand for just I bring the bad balance to their good side.

I have mellowed alot since having my daughter I wouldn't clas myself as evil but to evil people I would be to stand up for a victim or a good witch.

I beleive there is room for us all good and bad we each need one another and I am open minded and non judgemental.

Thank you for taking the time to read thsi post.
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