A novice entering...

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A novice entering...
Post # 1
Hi there. My name's Alexis and I live (am trapped) in Detroit, MI. I've just recently began learning Tarot and I have two decks... though I;m not too happy with either of them at the moment. I'm extremly interested in learning magick and spells, though I have yet to cast a spell. I came here before trying anything to get insight from praticed people... Well, that's all for now. Nice to meet you all! ^_^
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Re: A novice entering...
Post # 2
Welcome Sekhmankh.

It is good of you to join us and I wish you all the best in your venture of futhering your wisdom of the Craft!

Merry Meet and Brightest Blessings
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Re: A novice entering...
Post # 3
Hi nice meeting you too, hope you get all the help here and made welcome.
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Re: A novice entering...
Post # 4
WHAT? You are here too?
^_^ I can be your mentor if you want...hahahah
but you know where i live and my phone number...
So, yep....WELCOME HERE...You know who I am so...called me.
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Re: A novice entering...
Post # 5
Hello and welcome to the forums, i hope you enjoy your stay. A note on your tarot decks have you considered making it your own?

Any questions feel free to ask

Blessed be LadyO
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