Dealing with Demons

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Dealing with Demons
Post # 1
Dealing with evil has occupied center stage in human affairs since the earliest of times, Distructions,Chaos,Decay,the ultimate darkness of death have often overshadowed the presences of goodness and light. Human beings have dealt with with evil in three principal ways, by meeting it head on in battle, by warding it off before it strikes, and by trying to avoid it altogether through denial. The how and why of evil have been debated and discussed for centuries in religion, folklore, philosophy,art,literature, and pop culture, all of which attempt to explain why bad things happen especially to good people. When evil stirkes the wicked, we see it as a deserve consequence of evildoing. when evil strikes the righteous, we look for satisfactory explanations, often in vain, Everyone feels the touch of evil at some point in their life, regardless of his or her moral striving. In myth, religion, and folklore the forces of both good and evil are personified. In the pantheons of deities there are gods and goddesses of benevolence and malevolence, and through some are evil, they are seldom completely evil. Their job is to tear things down via disaster ruination,disease,illiness, and death. They are essential part of the eternal cycle of life,death,rebirth. Human beings,understandably, seek to avoid these torments as much as possible. Monotheism creates a sharper polorization between good and evil. The one creator is all-good but permits evil to exist under the direction of an archfiend. We console ourselves with the explanation that evil serves to test and demonstrate our moral fibars and spiritual worthiness, Our fate in the afterlife. Demons, the lower agents of evil, have many guise and operate under many names and with many purpose. In the Pagan view, they are a part of the natural order, enities of moral ambivalence who mostly decieve and interfere. In the Christian views they are evil~Fallen Angels, who as Lucifer did, chose pride over obedience to God and were cast out of heaven. Outside monotheism,demons have a long history of interfering in the affairs if the physical world and lives of people, though not always with the goal of subverting souls. They act as tricksters and create annoying disturbances. Whatever the guises,names and agendas, demonic forces are constantly at play in the world, Thanks to the exxaggerations of film and fiction, many Christians think, for example that demonic attacks occur in the form of hideous beings assaulting people, possesing them, and making green slime run down the walls and stairs. while such events have happened, I affirmed my beliefs in angels and I also believe in demons. One does not exist without the other . I have had experiences with them both. In many years of researching the Paranormal I have been puzzled people who adamantly insist that demons don't exist. They readily believe in angels and other representatives of the forces of light and good. but they deny malevolent beings. A genuine demonic possession, from a christian perspective, still exist today but it is realitive rare.

Re: Dealing with Demons
Post # 2
A type of spirit that interferes in the affairs of people. The term "Demon" means "Replete with Wisdom" and is derived from the Greek term Daimon. The Daimons were both good and evil and even included deified heros. In most cultures, demons are troublesome rather than helpful, some are evil in Christianity, all demons are evil and serve Satan for the purpose of subverting souls. Demons univerally are considered the cause of all humankind's problems. disease,misfortune,poor heath,bad luck,ruined relationships,sin and soul loss, since ancient times, they have been said to have sex with humans, Beliefs in demons-caused troubles are ancient and still prevail in many places around the world since the middle 20th Century, beliefs in demons and there interferencs risen in the West. The lore of the ancient Babylonians,Assyrians and other Middle Eastern cultures teem with demons, The greatest demonic problems was illiness and demons had to be cast out of a person for healing. In Mesopotiamian lore, demons took the form of humans-animals,hybrids, that could walk upright on two legs and were controlled by the gods, Humans could repel demons by magic, such as use Charms and Amulets.

Re: Dealing with Demons
Post # 3
Why do you think that there has been a rise in the belief of demons and their troubles, especially in the Western world?

Re: Dealing with Demons
Post # 4
very imformative.. but pwalls did have a good question. And i have one too... would you be able to use a demon ( a minor one) to help guard say like your house? I belive in demons and angels too... whats scary ish that i was born very close to the Archangel Michael.. i was born on a Saturday and in the mutaine world my name mean to be just or just. scary...

Re: Dealing with Demons
By: / Novice
Post # 5
So would say Demons are fallen angels?

Re: Dealing with Demons
Post # 6
Kay, so just wondering, would the creature which people consider an illusion from "sleep paralysis" be a demon?

Re: Dealing with Demons
Post # 7
this was a very imformative thread. I enjoyed reading it very much :)

Re: Dealing with Demons
Post # 8
Questions are being asked, none of which I've seen answered so let me try to help out a couple people. Demons can be considered fallen angels but there's usually a difference. For one, fallen angels do what they want, when they want. So they could be very helpful to you, then may attack you cause they're bored. They all have their own personality. They don't exactly follow anyone. Whereas most demons would do just bad things, but not all of them are bad. There's a lot of good ones. There's one protecting one of my close friends and he's funny as hell. Though it pisses her off when we keep her up at night making animal sounds. Meowing and mooing xD

If there has been a rise in the belief of demons in the western world, I would have to say it's because it's going to hell (figuratively) due to people's own corruption, greed, and selfishness. Everyone needs someone to blame >_>

As for sleep paralysis. Yeah demons do that. Maybe just to mess with you. The second you calm down and tell them fuck off (pardon my language) they tend to go away. Or at least it's worked the times I, as well as my mother, have been held down and unable to talk.

Re: Dealing with Demons
Post # 9
Very nice Reaper. I am so glad that you haven't changed much in your time away from the coven..LOL...

Yes, there are Demons that attack you and hold you down, but most of the time they are doing it cause the fear and the anger fuels them. The best thing to do in this situation is not to get angry or upset.. Ignore them..if you ignore them they will try other things as well as cause other things to happen but if you just keep ignoring them they will not be able to remain and they will leave. You will start seeing things return back to normal and seem warmer and better than it ever was before.

Re: Dealing with Demons
Post # 10
Sometimes I feel like a demon takes over my thoughts and actions, probaby just the bad part of me.

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